My core is non-existent but I still think this was haaaaard. It's three circuits again, I guess maybe they all are - we shall see! She just does a 20 second breath in between the circuits and it doesn't feel like enough. I was in a hurry but if I had some extra time, I might consider pausing it a little bit and maybe taking 60 seconds. For God's sake.
In the circuits, you do:
- a standing knee lift, where you reach down to the opposite knee and then up and away, you do 8 reps slowly and 16 fast
- a half-boat into a full-boat (ouch!)
- bicycle crunches, only instead of crunching up your head, you lift your weights up and down, pushing out from your chest. I used 5 lb. weights but you could use whatever you want, obviously.
- crunches, where you hold a weight in each hand and bend your elbows at a 90 degree angle. You crunch in with the weights and then lay your head down and pull the weights behind your head. I am still hurting from this!
- circular crunches
- side plank lifts
- isometric holds in the plank position, with alternating leg lifts, 8 each, twice. GOOD LORD.
Here's what else you do but I failed at, today:
- Mountain Climbers. I'm just bad with them - I feel like I am too short or too fat or something and I can never make my legs go in as far as I feel like I should. I did do them, just not well.
- I don't even know what to call this one - You're on all fours and you go up into a plank position and then you HOP your back foot to your opposite hand and repeat repeat. Veronica came up the stairs and it was the last exercise and I just couldn't do it. Am lame. I will try next time. My report is that it LOOKS HARD. I did my 79 pushups before my workout today and I am too shaky, I guess.
These are excellent workouts. They're hard and I should probably do two at a time but I can't right now. I recommend YOU do it, though, ha!
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