Thursday, December 30, 2010

Action Sports Chisel - Arms and Shoulders

We've started the Crunch workouts, which is exciting because I've heard good things about them and also because it means the Biggest Loser workouts are over.  I might check again later to see if there is a 30 Day Shred, or maybe there is a Jillian Michaels channel, but my guess is that we haven't seen the last of Jillian (insert evil laugh, talk about jeans and tank tops and how she wants you to feel like you're going to DIE!).

I think this is what it's called, above.  I guess there is an Action Sports category, so this is chisel, and this is the arms and shoulders part but of course you work legs and butt, too.  I wonder sometimes what it would be like if some dumb trainer did an arms workout with just arms, like if you just stood there and worked on your arms.  Ha, she'd be LAUGHED off the CHANNEL!

I can't find my damned five pound weights and my two pound weights were downstairs when I could fit this workout in upstairs, so I did it without weights but I'm glad I did.  It was a pretty challenging workout and I found that without holding weights, I was really thinking about my form, especially on working triceps.  So I might use like three pounds of weight next time, especially on triceps, I seem to lose my form easily with heavier weights.

The trainer was fine, she is VERY concerned with FUN and FUNKINESS (not the smelly kind, the dancing kind) and that's always nice.  She did talk a LOT about tank tops but whatever, what can you do?  I guess if you are working specifically on your arms and shoulders, maybe you automatically care about what they look like in a tank top.  And I like my arms to look good, I just - that Jillian has turned me off on threats about clothes forever.

So it's like 25 minutes long, you do circuits and build on them, the music is good, and you end with pushups and planks which I am proud to say I did on my toes.  I am looking forward to the rest of the workouts, it looks like there are several.

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