Saturday, January 1, 2011

Crunch - Ass and Abs

OK, first - I did try to do the Crunch - Burlesque and the Crunch - World Wild Dancing Extravaganza, or whatever the hell it was called but the first one was RIDICULOUS.  It was Crunch Los Angeles, natch, and the trainer kept mentioning how SEXY everything was, because they were in LA.  At one point, she said that they were in the greatest, sexiest city - California!  Someone must have waved a map at her because shortly after she giggled and said "L.A.".  Oy.  I still was going to do it, such is my dedication to this blog project, but it was so stupid.  It was not a workout.  I gave up after about 10 minutes.  Then the Dancing thing was just silly and I didn't feel like it was going to be a good workout.

I used to go to some dance classes at my gym - Hip Hop Funk, for example, but it's different at home.  It's harder and I find absolutely no joy in it.  Plus I really hated that dumb girl who didn't know the difference between cities and states.

SO.  I did Ass and Abs, which was the same girl from San Fransisco that we worked out with the other day, she's fine.  It's a hard workout though, I am still sort of sore and shaky.  She does the lower body part first and then you do some ab work - mostly planks and oblique crunches and reverse crunches - there are no regular just crunches anymore, I find.  But I think it's because these really are better workouts to do - they are better for your whole abs and your back.  Still, hard.

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