Thursday, November 11, 2010

10 Minute Pilates - ABS

OK!  So Nicole Stewart is the trainer for this video, and she was for the Pilates legs video I did the other day.  She's great, very positive and she looks fantastic, she talks a lot about the benefits of Pilates, which is nice to hear.  She does a good job of explaining the breathing, I think it would be hard to just jump into a Pilates workout, of any kind, without someone talking about how important that inhale/exhale thing is.

So it's a hard ab workout, in my opinion, but it's do-able.  It is marked for Beginners, so maybe that's it.  She does do some advanced moves.  For example, there's one move where you are lying on your back, stretched out, arms overhead, and you peel yourself off the floor and up to where you are now pointing past your (flexed!) feet.  After several reps, she adds that you can make it harder by putting your hands behind your ears and your elbows bent, if you want.  I am here to tell you that that IS harder, I literally couldn't do it.

My abs are a mess and I forget if I mentioned but I sometimes have, like, charlie horses, in them?  It's painful and was scary when it first started happening - it feels like what I imagine this one scene in Alien is like, even though I've never seen that movie.  Like the muscles are twisting and wrapping around each other, getting fatter and fatter and choking my innards.  Like I say, it's not scary anymore, now that I know what it is, I just treat it like a charlie horse and try to breathe it away. ANYWAY, this is all to say that I find a Pilates workout is more controlled and I am less likely to get one of these muscle spasms, which makes me like it.  It is freaking hard, which I don't like but what is the point, I keep asking myself?  It's called WORKING out, not SITTING AROUND out.  Or RESTING out.  I could see doing a few - three?  four?  of these 10 minute Pilates workouts and having it be a good representation of a Pilates workout.

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